Our Company
“Become a Professional Company in the Field of Sustainable Banking & Financial Industry.”
- Compliance with local rules on offering financial products and services and development of global policies and procedures
- Licensing requirements and exemptions
- Relationship structures that optimize cross-border operations
- Establishment of local operations outside of the USA.
- Concurrent compliance with USA and local laws
- International insurance operations
- Anti-money laundering
- Project funding/Financing
- Issue Financial Securities
- Financial Securities Monetization
- Leasing & Buy-Sell of Financial Securities
- Built-Operate-Transfer (B.O.T)
- International insurance operations
- Service of Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) with central bank as participating banks. - Sovereign Guarantee Fund – specializing globally
in using sovereign guarantees as collateral for
loans, concentrates on financing Government
Projects with a primary focus on
infrastructure & humanitarian projects.